Alaska: Stacey Allen Graham behind bars for killing Brooke McPheters and Jordyn Durr while three times legal limit driving his pickup, say cops

From Anchorage Daily News

2013-08-13 -Two teenage girls killed on the sidewalk by a drunk driver Friday evening in South Anchorage were walking home from a mall where they had been shopping for back-to-school supplies, police said Saturday.

Stacey Allen Graham, 31, was drunk and behind the wheel of his red pickup that jumped the curb along Abbott Road and hit Brooke McPheters and Jordyn Durr, both 15, a police spokeswoman said. The best friends died at the scene.

An ambulance rushed Graham to a hospital. He is charged with two counts of second-degree murder and drunk driving. Police said his blood-alcohol content was about three times the legal limit to drive.

Friends of the two girls were drawn Saturday to the spot where they had died, bearing bouquets of flowers, shocked over …..MORE