The following persons were arrested for DWI by the Tehama County California Sheriff’s Department, Dan Hencraft Sheriff-Coroner:
Michael Patrick Anderson, 26, on 9/17/2010 by Dep. Kain
Christopher Lee Baker, 21, on 11/20/2010 by Dep. D. Sherill, sentenced to 120 days
Sandra Lou Beynon, 55, on 2/2/2011 by California Highway Patrol Officer Hoover
Michael Randel Braziel, 38, on 1/3/2011 by Dep. C. Thomas serving 120 days
Richard James Castro, 31, on 1/27/2011 by Dep. Button sentenced to 90 days
German Miranda Chavez, 22, on 1/10/2011 by Dep. Clement (DUI and driving while suspended for DUI)
Susan Amelia Childs, 49, by Dep. S. Longchamps on 2/2/2010 Jose Julio Diaz, 43, on 1/14/2011 by Dep. C. Thomas
Russell Newton Eleck, 30, on 2/2/2011 b Dep. Zuccato sentenced to 30 days
Craig Allen Erickson, 33, o 1/24/2011 by Dep. C. Thomas sentenced to 30 days