California: party gal Gina Eunice named the Christmas Killer; charged with DUI death of Yuee Yao


UPDATE: Party Gal wanted to be a cop…makes first court appearance and will be back in court next week, stays in slammer on $2 million bail
From San Francisco Gate
A woman arrested after police said her car crashed into and killed a  56-year-old woman at the Twin Peaks Vista Point in San Francisco was charged  Monday with hit-and-run driving, drunken driving and vehicular manslaughter,  all felonies.
Gina  Eunice, 23, of San Francisco was driving with three passengers around 9 p.m.  Thursday on Christmas Tree Point Road when her car slammed into a group of four  pedestrians, hitting three and knocking them down a hillside, police said.  Eunice allegedly drove away from the scene and was…..MORE
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