Category Archives: Politicians charged with DWI/DUI
Nevada: State Senator’s boozing repeat offender wife, Sherese Settelmeyer, headed back to slammer for DUI
Settelmeyer, 53, was also arrested in 2013, 2010 and 1995. A third DUI conviction within seven years is a felony.

California: Councilman Dene Armando Bustichi busted for DUI and hit and run after striking street sign
Police officers arrived on scene and contacted the occupant, Councilman Dene Armando Bustichi, 52, of Scotts Valley, Calif., who displayed symptoms of alcohol intoxication.

Maryland: State Police bust PG Councilman Mel Franklin for DUI in county SUV; slammed into rear of car and sent two to hospitals
He was identified as Prince Georges County Councilman Jamel Ramon “Mel”. Franklin, 40, of Upper Marlboro.

Delaware: Council candidate nabbed for DUI is now changing his tune about taking responsibility
Lewes Police say they stopped Schaeffer around 11 p.m. on Monday, August 15 and charged with driving under the influence.

New Mexico: Body cam shows a disoriented District Attorney Francesca Estevez on a DWI stop who was allowed to drive away by officers
New Mexico: Body cam shows a disoriented District Attorney Francesca Estevez on a DWI stop who was allowed to drive away by officers