Preliminary Results Show 50 Arrested for DUI July 4th Weekend
Dover (July 8, 2011) – Despite widespread awareness about sobriety checkpoints & patrols planned for the 4th of July holiday weekend, preliminary results show fifty (50) people were arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs during the inaugural weekend of the 2011 Checkpoint Strikeforce DUI prevention campaign. Officers statewide conducted three sobriety checkpoints and over 140 DUI saturation patrols during the Fourth of July DUI crackdown in locations all across the state. Checkpoints were held in the City ofWilmington,Dover, and Magnolia.
In addition to the checkpoint DUI arrests, officers issued 7 citations for underage drinking violations, recovered one stolen vehicle, seized 4 weapons, apprehended 22 wanted individuals, made 14 drug arrests, 8 felony arrests, issued 50 seat belt citations, and 425 citations for various other traffic violations.
One checkpoint and two patrols are scheduled to take place the weekend of July 9th. They are scheduled for:
Friday July 8th – Newport-(NCCo DUI Task Force)- checkpoint
Clayton (Clayton PD)- patrols
Saturday July 9th – Smyrna (Smyrna PD)- patrols
Checkpoint Strikeforce is a regional sobriety checkpoint campaign aimed at arresting DUI offenders, and using high visibility enforcement to deter those who would otherwise choose to drink and drive. The campaign, a six month long effort running through New Year’s Eve, involves setting up weekly DUI checkpoints statewide.
For more information on Checkpoint Strikeforce visit and follow regular campaign updates on Twitter at and Facebook
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