The Ada County Sheriff’s Patrol Division is dedicated to increasing public safety by creating safe neighborhoods and public places. Deputies in the Patrol Division respond to calls for service from the public and investigate misdemeanor crimes.
The Patrol Division provides police services to all unincorporated areas of Ada County. We are also contracted to provide police services to the cities of Kuna, Star and Eagle as well as to the Army Corps of Engineers, and to patrol Bureau of Land Management property. Patrol deputies are responsible for protecting approximately 1164 square miles of land and more than 2124 miles of roads in the county.
The Boise Police Department is made up of approximately 407 employees, 325 sworn police officers and a civilian support staff of 82. The Chief and his Command Staff manage an annual budget of $47,928,712 FY 2011. The officers and staff of the Boise Police Department are dedicated to providing the highest quality public safety and law enforcement services to people who live, work and play in Idaho’s Capital City.
In 2011 Boise Police Officers arrested 1,379 Drivers.
BPDs Night STEP team is responsible for most of the city’s DUI arrests. These officers have specialized training in recognition, arrest, and prosecution of drunk drivers.
BRIENNE LEIGH BALES, 32, of Boise, Idaho, 1/31/13 at 12:52:00 AM, Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (SECOND OFFENSE)
JEFFREY ALAN BULGER, 25, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/31/13 at 2:53:00 AM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
TRENA RENEE CARNEY, 39, of New Plymouth, Idaho, on 1/27/13 at 3:56:00 AM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
SHAWNA MARIE COOLEY, 20, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/28/13 at 2:51:00 AM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (EXCESSIVE)
JENNIFER ANN DICKMAN, 38, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/28/13 at 5:17:00 AM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
TYSON JAY GEORGE, 32, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/30/13 at 12:26:00 AM by Meridan Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
ANTHONY NELSON GRANGE, 48, of Boise, Idaho on 1/27/13 at 10:59:00 PM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (EXCESSIVE)
AARON WILSON M. HUFFMAN, 23, of Nampa, Idaho, on 1/27/13 at 6:12:00 AM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
DONALD JADE JESSER, 36, of Meridan, Idaho, on 1/31/13 at 3:32:00 AM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
DANIELLE DEVINE JIM, 29, on 1/27/13 at 12:34:00 AM by by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (EXCESSIVE)
JOSEPH LEVI KELLER, 25, of Eagle, Idaho, on 1/31/13 at 12:21:00 AM by Ada County Sheriff, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE, BATTERY
MICHELLE GALE KELLEY, 38, of Garden City, Idaho, on 1/28/13 at 1:40:00 AM by Merdian Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
DEBORAH LYNNE NIELSON, 53, of Caldwell, Idaho, on 1/27/13 1:52:00 AM by Ada County Sheriff, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
MAURICE EVANS PRYOR, 45, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/27/13 4:00:00 AM by Boise City Police, Ada County Sheriff, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE, DRIVING WITHOUT PRIVILEGES, Arrested: Maurice E. Pryor, 45, Boise
Boise Police observed a vehicle stopped in the middle of the road with no lights on at Vista Road near Kootenai early yesterday morning, January 27th, at approximately 2:00 a.m. As officers approached the vehicle, the driver turned on the lights and began driving Southbound on Vista Avenue, doing approximately 40 miles per hour in a 30 mile per hour zone with slick roads. As the vehicle approached Owyhee Street the vehicle attempted to stop, sliding into the intersection with all four wheels. Officers conducted a traffic stop. The suspect driver, who appeared to be intoxicated at the time, failed several field sobriety tests and a blood draw was performed for later evidentiary testing. During the course of the investigation officer determined the suspect was currently suspended on a prior DUI charge. A search of the suspect’s person revealed a small amount of marijuana. A check through Boise City Records indicated the suspect had prior convictions for DUI making this arrest a Felony. The suspect was booked at the Ada County Jail on the above listed charges.
JUSTIN LAWRENCE WALKER, 28, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/27/13 at 1:51:00 AM by Meridan Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (EXCESSIVE)
RUSTY GEORDON WALKER, 27, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/31/13 3:44:00 AM by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE (EXCESSIVE)
ERIC JOHN POZEL, 23, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/29/13 at 10:25:00 PM by Ada County Sheriff’s Office, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
DARREN RAY HOPKINS, 47, of Emmett, Idaho, on 1/27/13, at 7:19:00 PM, by Ada County Sheriff, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
TOMMIE NATHANIEL THOMPSON, 38, of Boise, Idaho, on 1/27/13 at 3:36:00 AM, by Boise City Police, DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE
Boise Police observed a vehicle fail to stop before entering the roadway and speeding near Camas and Orchard early yesterday morning, January 27th, at approximately 4:00 a.m. The suspect driver, who appeared to be very intoxicated at the time, failed several field sobriety tests and a blood draw was performed for later evidentiary testing. A check through Boise City Records indicated the suspect had prior convictions for DUI making this charge a felony. The suspect was booked at the Ada County Jail on the above listed charges.
Arrested: Wesley P. Gilbert, 25, Boise
Charges: Driving Under the Influence (DUI)(F)
Boise Police responded to a report of a fight in the street near Pawnee Drive and Zuni street late Friday night, January 11th, at approximately 11:55 p.m. During the course of that investigation, officers located the suspect, who was a party to that incident, driving a pickup and conducted a traffic stop on Zuni Street east of Dalton Lane. The suspect, who appeared to be very intoxicated at the time, failed several field sobriety tests and blew a .30/.30 at the Ada County Jail. A check through Boise City Records indicated the suspect had prior convictions for DUI making this charge a felony. The investigation into the fight did not result in any charges. The suspect was booked at the Ada County Jail on the above listed charges.
Arrested: Gregory J. Remacle, 42, Garden City
Charged: DUI (F)
A Boise Police officer on patrol Friday, Jan. 19th just before midnight near N. Curtis Rd. and Plymouth Street witnesses a vehicle driving without a headlight. The officer stopped the car and noticed the driver’s eyes were glassy. A Night STEP officer was called and found the driver failed field sobriety tests. He was arrested for DUI and blew a .090/.089. blood alcohol level. Officers found the driver had two prior DUI convictions, in Nov., 2005 and Oct., 2007 making this third DUI arrest a felony. The suspect was booked into the Ada County Jail on the above charge.
Arrested: Robert B. Holliday, 55, Boise
Charges: Possession of a Controlled Substance (Meth), Driving Under the Influence (DUI)(m)
Boise Police received a citizen report of a possible DUI driver who had been seen smoking meth in his vehicle in a public place. The calling party followed the suspect vehicle and called police. Officers located the vehicle and it’s driver sitting in an alley near Grand and 12th Streets. Officers made contact with the driver, who appeared to be under the influence of an intoxicating substance. The suspect failed several field sobriety tests and a blood draw was performed for later evidentiary testing. With the assistance of an Ada County K-9 officers recovered a small amount of meth inside a cigarette pack in the vehicle. The suspect was booked at the Ada County Jail on the above listed charges.
Arrested: Shawna F. Mason, aka Shawna F. Ross, 46, Boise, Charged: DUI (F)
Boise Police want to give thanks to a citizen who followed a drunk driver, allowing officers to locate and arrest the suspect.
Officers were called by a citizen at approximately 3:30 this morning reporting she was following a suspected drunk driver near S. Federal Way and E. Amity Road. The witness reported that she observed the suspect’s vehicle driving in two lanes of traffic, speeding up and slowing down and not using her turn signals. At one point, the witness told officers when the suspect turned onto Amity from Federal Way, she nearly hit the witness’s vehicle. The witness was able to follow the suspect to a nearby home and watched her get out of the car, fall to the ground, then enter the home. When officers arrived, they found evidence the woman was intoxicated and had driven the car to the location just moments before. The suspect failed field sobriety tests and scored a .268/ .281 blood alcohol content. Officers found the suspect has had two previous DUI’s, in April, 2007 and July, 2008 making this arrest a felony.
Arrested: James H. Blish, 32, Boise
Charges: Driving Under the Influence (DUI)(F), Boise Police observed a vehicle speeding near Orchard and Broadmont Street last night, January 3rd 2013, at approximately 9:00 p.m. Officers stopped the driver on the 2100 block of South Orchard Street. The suspect, who appeared to be very intoxicated at the time, failed several field sobriety tests and blew a .15/.14 at the Ada County Jail. A check through Boise City Records indicated the suspect had prior convictions for DUI making this charge a felony. The suspect was booked at the Ada County Jail on the above listed charges.
Arrested: Lisa M. Cresswell, 31, Boise
Charges: Driving Under the Influence (DUI)(F), Driving Without Privileges (m), Injury to a Child (m)
Boise Police received information, as part of a disturbance call, that indicated the suspect may be driving intoxicated with a child in the car early Sunday morning, December 30th, just after midnight. Officers located the suspect vehicle near 22nd and Anderson Street. Officers contacted the driver, who appeared to be very intoxicated at the time. The suspect failed several field sobriety tests and a blood draw was performed for later evidentiary testing. A check through Boise City Records indicated the suspect had prior convictions for DUI, making this charge a felony. Officers determined the suspect was currently suspended from driving. A child, under the age of five, was a passenger in the vehicle at the time of the arrest resulting in the Injury to a Child charge. The suspect was booked at the Ada County Jail on the above listed charges.
Arrested: Alicia A. Young, 40, Boise
Charges: Driving Under the Influence (DUI)(F)
Boise Police observed a vehicle with expired registration near Boise Avenue and Martha Street Friday evening, January 25th, at approximately 9:30 p.m. The suspect driver, who appeared to be very intoxicated at the time, failed several field sobriety tests and blew a .15/.14 at the Ada County Jail. A check through Boise City Records indicated the suspect had prior convictions for DUI making this charge a felony. The suspect was booked at the Ada County Jail on the above listed charges.
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