According to Idaho State Police, on June 07, 2012, at approximately 9:34 pm, the Idaho State Police investigated a two vehicle fatal crash at the intersection of Fargo Road and Peckham Road, west of Wilder. Kameron Lowe, 21 of Nampa, was travelling northbound on Fargo Road in a 2002 Hyundai Accent when he failed to stop at a stop sign. Kody Stills, 30 of Wilder, was travelling eastbound on Peckham Road in a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado, and struck Lowe’s car on the driver’s side. Kameron Lowe was pronounced dead at the scene. Kody Stills was not injured in the crash. All lanes of travel at the intersection were blocked for approximately two and a half hours.
Lowe was wearing his seatbelt. Alcohol may have been a factor in this crash. The crash is still under investigation.
The Idaho State Police was assisted at the scene by the Canyon County Sheriff’s Office, Wilder Police Department, Wilder Fire and EMS.
Reader has a real problem with news report
To The Editor:
I have a real problem with the report that was posted today about an accident in Idaho. You have posted it, with a very strong presumption that this is an alcohol related death. It may or may not be, but it hasn’t been proven. The major thing is, though, that you are putting this out on the net for everyone to see-including the family and friends of this individual. That’s unfair to them. They are dealing with a massive tragedy and you’re using it to further your cause. I don’t agree with drunk driving in way, shape or form, but at least let it be proven before you put it out there as fact. That’s all I ask. Make sure it’s a fact.
Arthur Lidral
(Editor’s Note: The Idaho State Police have reported that alcohol may be a factor, that is all the DWI Hit Parade has reported. It would serve “our cause” if folks would simply not drive after drinking and stopping at stop signs would make our highways a lot safer)
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