Illinois: Jason Rymut faces sentencing for killing Bryan Bulger in rear-ender DUI crash

Jason Rymut
Jason Rymut

From Southtown Star
Last August, Bryan Bulger was out for a spin in his pride and joy — a 1978 Chevrolet Camaro that he had lovingly restored.

The car was a long-term project for Bulger and his father. When Bulger earned a master’s degree in criminology a few months earlier, his dad gave it to
him as a gift.

It was about 10:15 p.m. Aug. 8 when Bulger stopped his car at Cedar and Delaney roads in Manhattan.

That night, Jason Rymut, 32, had been out drinking to celebrate a career victory. He was speeding toward the intersection and Bulger’s Camaro, using his cellphone, and slammed into the back of Bulger’s car at about 83 mph, police said.

The impact spun Bulger’s Camaro into a third car that was passing through the intersection. Bulger, 26, was killed. A passenger in his vehicle was injured. The car was crushed beyond recognition, Bulger’s family said. …MORE

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