Donald Bolden, 37, of Belle Rose, La by Lafourche Parish Sheriff on Nov. 5, 2017, for his fifth DWI offense.
Who are the first four judges that let this clown stay out of jail to rack up his FIFTH DWI?
Can’t Fix Stupid
Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre announced the arrest of Donald Bolden (age 37) of Belle Rose for his fifth DWI offense. Just after 6 p.m. on Sunday, November 5, deputies conducted a traffic stop along LA Highway 309 in Thibodaux. Deputies identified the driver as Donald Bolden and detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage on Bolden’s breath. Bolden admitted to consuming liquor prior to driving.
Police say that Bolden performed poorly on a field sobriety test, and a breathalyzer test showed him to have a blood-alcohol level of .087g%.
Bolden’s criminal history showed he was on probation for his fourth DWI offense in 2014.
He was also found to have a suspended license with a hardship exception, but he was found to be in violation of that exception.
Bolden was booked into the LafourcheParish Detention Center in Thibodaux. He was charged with DWI (4th and Subsequent Offenses), Speeding, driving under suspension, and no ignition interlock device. He was also charged with violating R.S. 32:415.1 regarding exceptions for a suspended license.
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