Calvert County, Maryland, Sheriff Mike Evans
Calvert County, MD. – Every 18 hours a person was killed on Maryland roadways in 2011, totaling 486 deaths for the year. Preventing such daily tragedies from striking Maryland families is why Maryland law enforcement agencies are joining together for a statewide campaign called Toward Zero Deaths.
From speeding to seatbelt compliance to driving while impaired, Toward Zero Deaths is focused on reducing highway mortality. The effort will focus on the causes of highway fatalities with public health efforts, communications outreach and other elements. This initiative brings together law enforcement, highway safety officials, emergency medical responders, and champions in the community, in an effort to change the perception of safety on the roadways. Airplane, railway and ocean liner deaths are not acceptable. Why are motor vehicle deaths accepted as part of the cost for driving on our roadways?
The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office is proud to join in the Toward Zero Deaths campaign, which kicked off August 1. “For too long, we as a society have accepted highway mayhem as a tragic but unremarkable aspect of modern life,” said Sheriff Mike Evans, “Toward Zero Deaths is about fundamentally changing the way we look at blood shed on the highway.”
“We are fully committed to doing everything in our power to drive Maryland highway fatalities ‘toward zero deaths.’ Motorists need to slow down, buckle up, pay attention to the rules of the road, and make smart decisions before getting behind the wheel. If they fail to do so, we will pull them over,” warned Sheriff Evans.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the last six months of the year are the deadliest on the state’s roadways. Over a five year span, there were 13 percent more fatalities on the roads in Maryland from July to December than during the first six months.
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