L/R – Sheriff Pope, Jan Withers, Caroline Cash, Dfc. Chase, Lisa Spiknall, Dfc. Minton, Lt. Wanda Green
Salisbury – MADD Maryland recently recognized police officers who have saved lives through their abilities of education, enforcement, and enhanced traffic safety efforts. MADD National President Ms. Jan Withers was the keynote speaker; with her remarks addressing the commitment, perseverance, and progressive efforts of all police officers who identify and remove drunk drivers from our highways. Dfc. Cheyenne Chase and Dfc. Matthew Minton of the Talbot County Sheriff’s Office were recognized for their alcohol intervention strategies and enforcement successes. “Both of these Deputies are to be commended for their alcohol enforcement efforts and for clearly saving lives in Talbot County” said Ms. Caroline Cash, MADD Executive Director (Chesapeake Region). The event formally recognized 35 officers from 26 police agencies across the Eastern Shore.
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