On Thursday, March 17th, 2011 the Duluth Police Department along with our Law Enforcement partners, the Minnesota State Patrol, St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office, UMD PD, Hermantown PD and Floodwood PD had extra officers patrolling Duluth Streets to make sure St. Patrick’s Day Night was a safe one. Officers assigned to the enhanced enforcement made sixty four driver contacts, resulting in three arrests for DWI, one arrest for 5th Degree Possession of a Controlled Substance (Methamphetamine). Additionally, five speeding tickets, one seatbelt ticket and one Driving after Revocation ticket were written. Based on statements made by drivers and the public to officers during the night, there was obvious knowledge of the enhanced enforcement being conducted. One driver commented that his friend text him to be careful driving because “there are squads out everywhere, stopping everything.” Several others commented similarly and noticed the increased enforcement. Others mentioned that they had heard the media reports of the enhanced enforcement effort which is why they were not drinking. Some tickets and a few arrests were made but overall it was clear the public perception of the number of squads working was a deterrent. People’s driving behavior and making safe decisions about drinking and driving was effected. The streets were very busy that night and the fact that everyone had such a safe night is a credit to the increased public awareness efforts made local law enforcement, the media and community. Together we can help make 2011 our safest year ever on ourarea roadways.
BY: DPD Public Information Officer Jim Hansen
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