Montana: 9-time DUI driver Todd Burland tried to outrun and outswim the cops in chilly and silly adventure

From the Missoulian

(Nov. 7, 2012) POLSON ā€“ What began as a report Monday evening of a vehicle high-centered in a parking lot on Main Street here ended with three law enforcement officers and two volunteer firemen in Flathead Lake trying to both apprehend and save a suspect who attempted to outrun, and then outswim, them.
Polson Assistant Police Chief John Stevens said 45-year-old Todd Burland of Polson was hauled out of the chilly lake waters 200 yards from shore.
He was charged with his ninth DUI, a felony, after being evaluated at St. Joseph Medical Center.
According to Stevens, Cpl. William Cleveland of the Polson Police Department responded to the parking lot just after 7:30 p.m., but Burland allegedly drove off in the vehicle that was supposedly high-centered.
Cleveland and Officer Michelle Scott pursued Burland down Main Street, where he turned east on U.S. Highway 93.
Burland turned again at Boettcher Park, located ….MORE

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