Update: Has Dahir family attempted to bribe a witness?
This from the Omaha World-Herald: “Lefler said Dahir is someone who deserves another chance. He said the Dahir family reached out to Murray about offering financial assistance, but he declined to say if Murray responded. ”
Finally, the public gets cut some slack! what a ‘great guy’ this has been, as his lawyer referred to him….on his latest crash-capade, he caused two wrecks with Meth in his system…
Now a 2nd Judge has set bond at NO BOND AT ALL
Mark Dahir, the Omaha banker arrested seven times on suspicion of DUI, was described in court Friday as “truly a great guy” who comes from a “great family.”
Steve Lefler, Dahir’s attorney, said news reports have cast a poor light on Dahir and his impaired driving record.
When Dahir is in treatment, he is sober 100 percent of the time, Lefler said. When not in treatment, Dahir maintains sobriety 99 percent of the time.
Prosecutors allege that Dahir had a lapse the morning of Feb. 15, when his car crashed into another vehicle at 132nd and Leavenworth Streets, sending both drivers to the hospital with critical injuries. Dahir was released from the hospital earlier this week and booked into jail.
Lefler asked the judge to set Dahir’s bail at $100,000. Prosecutor Jen Meckna asked for $250,000 bail. Douglas County Judge Craig McDermott settled on $500,000 ….MORE
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