More on the Boozing Boy Banker!
Are drunk drivers with expensive attorneys manipulating alcohol treatment programs to avoid prison time? Golly gee, Batman, say it ain’t so!
From Omaha World-Herald
Prosecutors have been tough on felony DUI cases, Douglas County Attorney Don Kleine said Friday, but those prosecutions are about to get tougher. Kleine said he is reviewing what he called his office’s “occasional” practice of reducing DUIs from felonies to misdemeanors in return for a defendant successfully completing inpatient treatment. Kleine said he fears that Mark Dahir, a man now facing his seventh DUI arrest but who never has been convicted of a felony, and others might be manipulating matters by entering treatment to avoid getting a felony conviction and the prison time and license revocation that go with it…..MORE
Mark Dahir’s unbroken record of DUI arrests
From Action3Newslcom: At first, police say alcohol wasn’t involved
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