New Hampshire: Rye Junior High Principal Chris Pollet charged with DUI after crash into guardrail; his lawyer says he is innocent

“You bring the whiskey, I’ll bring the Rye!”
Rye Junior High School Principal Chris Pollet has an attorney who denies that he is guilty as charged. While he won’t talk to the press about his crash that ended with him being charged with DUI, he said that he is willing to talk to his students.  You can bet the kids won’t ask any tough questions and risk being sent for detention.  Stay tuned as this story unfolds.

From Seacoast Online
RYE — Junior High School Principal Chris Pollet is fighting allegations he was under the influence of alcohol when he crashed his car into a guardrail on Route 16 in Rochester the day before Thanksgiving.
Pollet, 46, of Stratham was arrested at 5:21 p.m. Nov. 21 and charged with driving while under the influence of alcohol, according to the public police log of New Hampshire State Police Troop A.
“He has denied the allegation and intends to contest it,” said George Cushing, superintendent of School Administrative Unit 50, which includes Rye schools.
Cushing said Pollet crashed his car after swerving to avoid another vehicle. Pollet declined to comment for this report, referring questions to his attorney,
Sven Wiberg of Portsmouth. ….MORE
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