North Carolina: Amanda Brooke Massingill dead when Lydia Marie Mills piloted her SUV into tree

 RIDE WITH A DRUNK DRIVER, BUY A TICKET TO YOUR OWN FUNERAL….this is just another sad story that didn’t have to happen…

Lydia Marie Mills

From Wilson Times
A Bailey woman died early Wednesday when a drunken driver smashed her sport utility vehicle into a tree in Raleigh, state troopers said.
Amanda Brooke Massingill, 21, of 15096 Old Smithfield Road just east of Bailey, was riding in the front passenger seat of 29-year-old Lydia Marie Mills’ Pontiac SUV when it ran off the road and hit a tree, according to 1st Sgt. Jeff Gordon of the N.C. Highway Patrol.
Mills, of 4104 Labrador Drive, Raleigh, ran off the road on her own street at 2:39 a.m. Wednesday, Gordon said. The crash happened ….MORE

Mills had a practice run at DWI before killing her friend

KLAN: Killing America