North Carolina: Michael Wayne Upton makes the big time again, stars in DWI Hit Parade after being convicted SEVEN times for DWI is arrested again for DWI!

Michael Upton

Gastonia man faces another DWI charge

Charlotte Observer – ‎6 hours ago‎
The Gaston Gazette reports Michael Wayne Upton, 45, was arrested early Monday in Cramerton after he ran through a red light on a mo-ped and was in the wrong lane. Upton has been convicted seven times of DWI from incidents in four counties, and was

Police: Man with 7 DWI convictions arrested again for drunken driving

WSOC Charlotte – ‎9 hours ago‎
A Gastonia man who has been convicted seven times for DWI is now facing another drunken driving arrest. Prosecutors said they fear Michael Upton will kill someone if he gets out of jail again. The judge granted their request to raise Upton’s bail from $50,000

7-time convicted drunken driver picks up new DWI charge

Gaston Gazette – ‎14 hours ago‎
A Gastonia man with seven DWI convictions in his past picked up a ninth drunken driving charge while driving a mo-ped early Monday morning. District Court Judge Pennie Thrower then raised Michael Wayne Upton’s bond from $50,000 to $250,000 at the
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