Ohio: brawling and boozing mark St. Patrick’s Day Parade; first checkpoint snares 3 DUI drivers while 35 arrested for being drunk and stupid…

From The Plain Dealer:
CLEVELAND, Ohio — Warm, sunny weather and a larger-than-normal parade crowd combined to create a rowdy atmosphere at times downtown Thursday.
By early evening, hundreds of youths had gathered on Public Square. Police, some on horseback, patrolled as minor skirmishes occurred.
Police made almost 35 arrests by 9 p.m. for a variety of offenses, many caused by excessive alcohol consumption, Cleveland police spokesman Sgt. Sammy Morris said.
One police officer received medical treatment for what was believed to be a broken ankle, Morris said. No major injuries were reported by Cleveland EMS.
A DUI checkpoint at West 3rd Street and Huron Road between 5 and 7 p.m. resulted in three DUI arrests, 14 traffic citations and three vehicles towed from the scene, Morris said.   ….MORE

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