Ohio: William Hill under arrest for Operative Vehicle Intoxicated (OVI) homicide in death of Tucker Northeimer

According to Columbus, Ohio Police, on December 5, 2012, at approximately 12:55 PM, Mr. Joshua Northeimer (of Berthstone Dr.) was operating his 1994 Volvo westbound on E. Dublin-Granville Rd., east of Beechcroft Rd. His children, Tucker (5) and Ella (3) were in the back seat and were in child seats. At this time, Mr. William Hill (of Hempstead Rd.) was operating his 2001 Chevrolet pick-up northbound on Beechcroft Rd. south of E. Dublin-Granville. The two vehicles collided in the intersection.
Tucker Northeimer was transported to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in life-threatening condition. Ella Northeimer was transported to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in stable condition. Joshua Northeimer was transported to Grant Medical Center in stable condition. William Hill was uninjured.
Tucker Northeimer was pronounced dead shortly after arrival at the hospital. Joshua Northeimer has been released from the hospital. Ella Northeimer is expected to be released from the hospital later this evening.
William Hill is has been arrested for Aggravated Vehicular Homicide and OVI.
In 2012, the City of Columbus has had 59 fatalities in 52 traffic crashes.
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