Oklahoma: Thomasine Harjo told cops she couldn’t go to jail on DUI charge; said she would miss court for…a prior DUI charge

From News One
Thomasine Harjo (pictured) was arrested the day after Christmas for a DUI, driving without a state driver’s license, and obstruction charges which resulted from her allegedly plowing through a fatal accident scene without regard for the officers who were investigating the incident, reports NewsOn6.
On the night of Dec. 26, police were investigating a fatal crime scene in Oklahoma City.  They had taped off the area where the fatality had taken place. Suddenly, several people screamed when a white car with Harjo at the wheel sped right past patrol cars and plowed through the yellow police tape, nearly striking one of the officers.
The officers asked Harjo to stop her vehicle and when she opened her car door, she allegedly reeked of alcohol. But when officers asked the 25-year-old woman if she’d been drinking, she told them she had not indulged. …MORE

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