Portland Police are stepping up DUII patrols
This Labor Day weekend, the Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police will be providing extra police patrols looking for DUII drivers.
Beginning Friday, August 31, 2012, in the evening and continuing through Monday, August 3, 2012, in the evening, extra officers will patrol the highways and city streets looking for impaired drivers.
It is our duty as police and it is your duty as citizens to prevent drunk driving.
Sadly, every 13 minutes a person dies on the roadway in the United States. That person could be an innocent person like you or someone you love.
It is the goal of the Portland Police, Oregon Department of Transportation, and the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police to keep our community safe this holiday weekend. Our goal is no deaths this holiday weekend from DUII drivers (Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants).
We can all do our part, we can all work together. See the link below for our video.
Save a Life…drive sober
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