Oregon: Teen’s Facebook confession of DWI hit and run leads to criminal charges

From BTS News
ASTORIA, OR (BTSNews) —An 18 year-old teenager is facing DWI-related charges in Astoria, Oregon after he posted on his Facebook page that he had hit a car while driving drunk last Wednesday. According to a Friday report from the local newspaper, Daily Astorian, the teen, Jacob Cox-Brown sent this message to his friends on Facebook:

Drivin drunk … classsic 😉 but to whoever’s vehicle i hit i am sorry. 😛

Two of Cox-Brown’s Facebook “friend” saw the message and separately forwarded it to local police officers.

Upon receiving the message, local police open an investigation, went to the teen’s home and matched a vehicle there to one that had hit two others that same night. The police then arrested and charged the teen with two counts of failing to report the duties of a driver.

BEHIND THE SCENES, Social Media attorney Bradley Shaw noted that this was a classic example of social media users not being aware ….MORE