FLORIDA: Charlotte County dispatchers ready to send help when safe; DUI arrests got safe cells in the slammer surrounded by concrete and steel bars
We continue to monitor #HurricaneIan from @CCOEM. We’re receiving live updates from the state and […]

FLORIDA: Collier Sheriff reports new DUI arrest bookings to take shelter in slammer just in time for Hurricane Ian
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TEXAS: Austin Police report DWI arrest bookings for Sept. 2-10, 2022
[portfolio_slideshow showcaps=true] CORONADO FANTINO 225009250 09/02/2022 2100-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED HERRINGTON SAMUEL 225009229 09/02/2022 2100-0 […]

CALIFORNIA: Riverside Sheriff reports extreme flight from officers by Jose Lopez; packing heat by Francisco Romero & DUI bash-up by Daniel Barrera
Suspect Rams Police Cars in an Attempt to Escape According to Sgt. Matthew Allert, on […]