New Mexico: Albuquerque Police charged repeat DWI offender Elaine Sandoval with DWI homicide

Albuquerque report that a repeat offender – whose driver’s license was revoked because of a prior drunken driving case – was arrested and charged with vehicular homicide by DWI

New Mexico: Albuquerque Police made five DUI arrests on Fourth of July

From Albuquerque Police:
APD Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) members Debra Andrews and Yvette Garcia assisted a homeless veteran that they met on a call this week.

The man and his dog were living on the street and had just moved to Albuquerque from Colorado. They assisted him in getting a hotel for two days and on the third day they were able to help him find an apartment.

New Mexico: cop charged with DWI after vandalizing her ex-husband’s car

From ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (Aug. 2, 2011) — An Albuquerque police officer was arrested and […]