Tag Archives: Austin Texas Police DWI arrests
TEXAS: Austin Police report DWI arrest bookings for July 13, 14, 2020
[portfolio_slideshow showcaps=true] DIRISIO NINA 2014187 07/13/2020 2100-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED FLORES PEDRO 2014148 07/13/2020 2111-0 […]

TEXAS: Austin Police DWI arrests on June 13, 2020
NICHOLO VENEGAS 2012732 06/13/2020 2100-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED ANTHONY SARTOR 2012761 06/13/2020 2100-0 DRIVING WHILE […]

TEXAS: Austin Police DWI arrest bookings for June 2020; Pamela Escobar charged with DWI with a child in the vehicle
[portfolio_slideshow showcaps=true] JONES DEMARIS 2012378 06/05/2020 2111-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED BAC >= 0.15 CUNNINGHAM MARGARET […]

TEXAS: Austin Texas Police report DWI arrest bookings in Travis County Jail for Nov. 1, 2019
[portfolio_slideshow size=medium] EDUARDO ALVARADO ARREST BY AUSTIN TEXAS POLICE ON 11/01/2019, 2111-0 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED […]