Tag Archives: Felony DUI
Colorado: Michael Schweitzer charged with felony DUI homicide in death of Linda Graham
The driver of the truck Michael Schweitzer, was arrested for Vehicular Homicide, felony DUI, and multiple traffic charges. Police say he has four prior DUI arrests

Florida: Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott reports DUI arrests for Dec. 14, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014 – Sunday, December 14, 2014
Impaired drivers are a very real danger to themselves and to others who share the road. With this in mind, the Lee County Sheriff’s Office has launched a multi-faceted campaign of education, awareness and enforcement to battle this threat to public safety in our community. We have elected to publicize the names of those charged with the offense of Driving Under the Influence during the past week.

South Carolina: Anderson Coach Riley McDermott pleaded guilty of killing three in DUI crash; his party ended when he drove across the center line – his victim’s lives were ended too – he will be out of prison at age 40
UPDATE from WYFF.4.com The Sentence: McDermott’s sentence is 18 years for the felony DUI with […]

South Carolina: Austin Blake Leroy charged with felony DUI in head-on crash
Austin Blake Leroy, 18, of the 5900 block of Rosewood Drive, has been charged with felony DUI, great bodily injury results; felony DUI, death results and possession of 28 grams or less of marijuana or 10 grams or less of hash,

Delaware: State Troopers Arrest Camden Man for 6th Offense DUI
Hobbs who was slumped over in the vehicle asleep, was woken by the trooper who could immediately smell alcohol being emitted from him