Tag Archives: Washington State Patrol
Washington: Christopher Lux’s birthday could have been his death day but was saved from a deadly fate by his arrest for DUI
Two DUI drivers arrested within Port Townsend construction zone; the Washington State Patrol Trooper arrested […]

Washington: DUI Killer Aaron Gentry was speeding the wrong way on I-5 near Arlington and crashed head-on into another car.
DUI Killer Aaron Gentry was speeding the wrong way on I-5 near Arlington and crashed […]

Washington: Numerous State Patrol Vehicles Struck In King County by drivers who are either DUI or just bozos when it comes to operating a vehicle
Washington State Patrol Numerous Washington State Patrol Vehicles Struck In King County by drivers who are […]

Washington: State Patrol reports Jordan Selby charged with DUI vehicular assault; his passenger Brittany Reid in hospital after crash
Washington State Patrol State Patrol reports Jordan Selby charged with DUI vehicular assault; his passenger […]

Washington: State Patrol says DUI driver Michael Tonkin was having sex when he crashed into tree; both he and Daisy Larouqe tumbled out of wreck naked as jaybirds and infant was in back seat
State Patrol says DUI driver Michael Tonkin was having sex when he crashed into tree; […]

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