Texas: El Paso DWI task force beefed up; makes 38 arrests in week after 10 killed in January

From ElPasoTimes.com:
The new DWI Task Force that two weeks ago hit the streets of El Paso is racking up arrests, and has issued about 500 traffic tickets and even dozens of citations for jaywalking.
Police Chief Greg Allen added 10 officers to the regular DWI Task Force last month after a sharp rise in traffic deaths.
Ten people were killed on El Paso’s streets in January at a rate that, if it continues, would reach 120 deaths by the end of the year. Police suspect alcohol was a factor in more than half of the fatal crashes.
“It’s been frightening the way we kicked off the year,” said Virginia Gonzalez, executive director of the local branch of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. “It seems as much as we continue to bring up the awareness, unfortunately, crashes continue to happen and take innocent lives.”   …MORE

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