Texas: man charged with DWI death of motorcyclist vindicated of the charges a year later

It was the firefighter who crashed his motorcycle into pickup that was intoxicated and under the influence of drugs,
not the 17-year-old kid charged by the cops
From Houston Press

Fred Mueller steered his truck through the open-window welcome of Gulf air atop the I-45 Causeway, descending into his first Galveston Isle-style Mardi Gras adventure. This 17-year-old Bellaire student had installed a stereo system in the old F-150 pickup that now pulsed to the mellow reggae sounds of SOJA. He reached the rendezvous point for a dozen or so other Bellaire teens at the Breakers condo unit, owned by the grandparents of one of them. Ahead was the inaugural night of festivities and a friend’s ……MORE