Virginia: his Pop is the chief, son is a cop and is busted for DWI; at least John I Dixon IV didn’t get caught robbing banks…

John I. Dixon IV

HENRICO, VA -The son of Petersburg’s police chief made a first appearance in a Henrico courtroom Monday, facing a DWI charge and allegations of driving that could have endangered lives.
John I. Dixon IV, 31, was arrested near the Short Pump Town Center early Saturday. According to the criminal complaint filed by Henrico Police, Dixon wove in and out of a lane on West Broad Street five times, and nearly collided with another car.
The Petersburg police officer failed all standard field sobriety tests and refused a breath test. A Henrico officer obtained a warrant for Dixon’s blood, but test results have not yet returned an exact blood alcohol content reading.
The complaint states Dixon drove with plates that expired January 2012…. MORE

PETERSBURG, Va. (WTVR)–The drunk driving arrest of John I. Dixon, IV, a Petersburg police officer, has some people raising serious concerns about that city’s nepotism policy.
Dixon is the son of Petersburg Police Chief John I. Dixon, III.
Prior to Dixon’s tenure as chief, both he and his son worked for the Richmond Police Department.
The younger Dixon was pulled over early Saturday morning in Henrico County at the intersection of Broad Street and John Rolfe Parkway. He was later charged with DUI, failure to obey a red light and having expired license plate tags.
Former Petersburg NAACP President William Jones says he’s furious over the arrest because this isn’t Officer Dixon’s first run-in with the law.
Jones claims the chief has turned a blind eye to mistakes made by his son in the past, mistakes he says would have cost other officers their jobs or …MORE

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