King County: The Washington State Patrol reports that at approximately 1:00 am on February 12, 2020, Trooper Harms stopped a vehicle eastbound I- 90 just west of East Mercer. Due to Trooper Harms’s observations of possible impairment, the driver was asked to step out of the vehicle and perform voluntary field tests.
The field tests led Trooper Harms to develop probable cause to place the subject under arrest for suspected impairment.
When Trooper Harms went to place the suspect under arrest, the suspect resisted and an altercation ensued. The suspect struck Trooper Harms while they were struggling on the right shoulder. As the altercation continued the suspect was able to get into his vehicle with Trooper Harms right beside him.

Police say that the suspect placed the vehicle in drive and began to drive eastbound in lane 1. The altercation continued until the vehicle slowed in lane one about 200 yards east of the original stop. It was at this point that Trooper Harms was pushed from the vehicle by the suspect while traveling at 25 to 30 mph and ended up sliding on his back for approximately 40 feet ending up in between lanes two and three. The suspect fled continuing eastbound on I-90.
There was a motorist that observed what was occurring and had their hazards activated and essentially protected Trooper Harms until he could get up and to the shoulder.
Trooper Harms ran back to his vehicle and advised communications what occurred and searched for the suspect which he was unable to locate.
During the initial investigation, the suspect provided Trooper Harms with Texas identification. The vehicle was a rented 2019 Mazda CX5. The suspect also gave an address in Seattle where he was coming from when he was stopped.
Police say that later in the morning on February 12, 2020, troopers and detectives continued to search for this suspect and were able to locate the vehicle at the address given which was an apartment complex in the 1900 block of 2nd Avenue in Seattle. The suspect did not provide an apartment number so troopers continued to watch the vehicle and contacted the Seattle Police Department (SPD) for assistance. The north and south SPD ProAct teams became involved which also included the Department of Corrections Officers.
The address that was given by the suspect had an apartment number that was associated with an individual that had an active felony Department of Corrections warrants and this allowed entry into this unit. Once inside this apartment, it was determined that the suspect from this incident was the same individual that had the felony warrant and was using a stolen identity from the individual in Texas. The actual identity of this suspect is 31-year-old Dontrel O. West of Seattle.
West is being held without bond in the King County Jail on the charges shown below:
Charge(s): MULTIPLE
Cause No: Charge: ASSAULT INVRCW/ORD: 1399
Court: Bail Amount: BAIL DENIED
Release Reason:
Cause No: 151019461
Charge: PROB HOLD/VUCSARCW/ORD: 9.95.220
Court: King County Superior Court
Bail Amount: $15,000.00
Release Reason:
Cause No: 161030757Charge: PROB HOLD/VEH THEFT
RCW/ORD: 9.95.220
Court: K C Superior CourtBail Amount: $15,000.00
Evidence recovered in the apartment included evidence of a large scale identity theft operation along with possession of methamphetamine.
Dontrel O. West was booked into the King County Jail on numerous charges to include warrants for Auto Theft, Narcotics and Felony Assault on Trooper Harms.
WSP troopers and detectives are seeking witnesses to this incident, specifically the motorist that put their hazards on and protected the trooper as he was being assaulted.
Please contact the Washington State Patrol at (425) 401-7788 with any information.

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