Category Archives: Driving while revoked
Nebraska: Douglas County Sheriff open arrest warrants; Victoriano Abaca-Bibiano at top of the list for DUI repeat offender wanted by Omaha Police
Nebraska: Douglas County Sheriff open arrest warrants; Victoriano Abaca-Bibiano at top of the list for DUI repeat offender wanted by Omaha Police

California: Athina Marlene Cook 2nd time at bat for DUI hit pregnant woman head-on
The driver of the suspect vehicle was identified as 31-year-old Kelseyville resident Athina Marlene Cook. Emergency medical units from the Lakeport Fire Protection District (LFPD) evaluated Cook at the scene and determined that she did not have any injuries requiring her to be transported to a hospital. Officers evaluated Cook, determined that she was intoxicated and placed her under arrest. During the investigation, officers determined that Cook was currently on probation for a prior drunk driving conviction.

Pennsylvania: Lancaster Judge Madenspacher sentenced repeat DUI driver Mitchell Runk to 17 years for killing Annastasia Leberfinger
Runk’s blood-alcohol level was .219 percent at the time of the 2013 crash in West Donegal Township that killed 20-year-old Annastasia Leberfinger

Texas: Austin Police report DWI and revoked arrests for Aug. 8, 2015
Texas: Austin Police report DWI and revoked arrests for Aug. 8, 2015