New Jersey: Boozing Episcopal Priest Diane Reiners drove like pin-ball machine DUI in Holland Tunnel

A Brooklyn minister was busted for allegedly driving drunk in the Holland Tunnel on Friday night. And Port Authority police apparently found “a plastic water bottle full of vodka along with hundreds of prescription pills” in the car.

Maryland: State Police ready to put the damper on boozing green drivers: party on bozos!

Sure, everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day, but don’t depend on luck to get you home safely. Those planning to celebrate this weekend or early next week should make plans before the party begins. Those who wait often end up forgetting and have no plan in place. Identify a designated driver who will not be drinking, make other transportation arrangements, or plan to stay over at the celebration location. Those who think cab fare is too expensive are reminded the average DUI arrest will end up costing you about $10,000 and that is with no traffic crash involved.