California: Menifee Police snared ‘Speedy’ Erick Gonzalez after chase and charged him with DUI

California: Menifee Police snared ‘Speedy’ Erick Gonzalez after chase and charged him with DUI – Menifee Police officer observed a 1995 Honda Civic swerving while traveling eastbound on Scott Road. The officer attempted an enforcement stop of the vehicle; however, the vehicle failed to yield. The driving actions of the vehicle indicated the driver was under the influence, and a pursuit was initiated.

Illinois: Braiton Holloway’s drug-fueled crash with another DUI driver ends with probation for him and grave for Jacob Garber

Braiton Holloway pleaded guilty in January to driving under the influence of marijuana in the two-car accident that killed Jacob Garber, 20, of Morton.

Felony charges were dismissed in the plea agreement that followed disclosures by defense lawyer Steve Skelton about the victim, who allegedly was intoxicated and failed to stop at the intersection of Mitsubishi Motorway and West College Avenue on Normal’s far west side.