Category Archives: Nominee for Free Coffin Award
Arizona: party gal kneed cop during DUI arrest, charged with being 3 times legal limit
From New York Daily News Arizona cops might disagree with Michelle Watson’s two thumbs-up review […]

Pennsylvania: Oil City man jailed after he killed pal in DUI crash…ride with a drunk and buy a ticket to your own funeral!
From Pittsburgh Post Gazette A Venango County man has been charged with homicide by vehicle […]
Texas: beware of falling-down-drunk Wal-Mart heiress driving through construction zones! Alice Walton busted for DWI for 2nd time
She really can afford to hire a driver! From Forbes News broke only yesterday that […]

California: “Mother-of-the-Year” Award? Cops say woman flipped car and abandoned her kid inside and fled; had left 2 other children at home…alone…
From Sherman Oaks Patch A 35-year-old woman remained behind bars today on suspicion of drunken […]

Texas: Brian Wagner got loaded and ran a red light, hit 911 dispatcher’s car in a “T-bone” wreck, burst her heart and she died; now he’s out of prison and DWI again!
From KRQE ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – Friends of the woman killed in a 1998 DWI crash […]

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