California: just what drunk drivers need! Cheap lawyers!

The week of Thanksgiving is a great time for eaters, drinkers, retailers and deal hunters – and a Los Angeles criminal defense lawyer is looking to capitalize on the revelry by offering a Cyber Monday deal unlike any other before. Starting Monday morning at 9 AM, the SLG Criminal Law Group will offer a $99 DUI defense sale to (alleged) drunk drivers in the Los Angeles area.
“The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the biggest drinking day of the year for Americans,” said Los Angeles criminal attorney Matthew Spiegel, founder of SLG Criminal Law Group. “There are more DUI checkpoints around the holidays, and as a result there’s an influx of people being accused of driving under the influence. With Cyber Monday right around the corner, we thought it would make sense to offer a deal like e-tailers do. Apparently, we’re the first.”
The average cost of a DUI conviction in California is between $7,500 and $10,000, according to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). This does not include lost pay, medical costs, vehicle damage, personal injuries or additional penalties. If the accused wants to hire a lawyer who isn’t a public defense attorney, the costs are even higher.
“Normally, we charge between $5,000-$10,000 to represent a drunk driver, depending on the circumstances,” said Spiege….MORE

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