Texas: Austin Police report DWI arrests for 2012 top prior year by twenty percent! DWI no refusal nabs 72 over New Years

Austin Texas Police report that DWI arrests are up by a whopping 20 percent in 2012 over the previous year. With 5,372 DWI arrests in 2012 compared to 4,484 in 2011, the party crowd of Austin has been spending more time in jail, in court and in their attorney’s offices than in the previous year.

November of 2012 saw 524 DWI arrests compared to 348 in 2011.

December of 2012 will likely turn out big numbers as Austin Police report 72 persons arrested under a special “no refusal” DWI enforcement over the New Year’s four-day weekend.

In competing crimes, prostitution held even at 252 arrests for both 2011 and 2012 while drug arrests actually dropped from 6,198 to 5,858.

All in all, when the cost of cab is about twenty-five bucks, it must be an eye-opener for DWI drivers to find out how much they get from an attorney for the same amount.The Story of THE RAG! (St. Mary's Today Newspaper)