Louisiana: Judge sends Eric C. Davis to slammer for years and years on the auspicious occasion of his 11th DWI

From Times-Picayune
Twenty-five of Eric C. Davis’ neighbors on Melanie Avenue in Metairie were so irritated with his alleged drunk driving and criminal history five years ago, that they twice petitioned a Jefferson Parish judge – and their Jefferson Parish councilman, Elton Lagasse, even wrote a letter on their behalf saying as much. “Eric needs to be treated like all other criminals with lengthy records and be put in jail for several years,” Lagasse wrote then-Judge Joan Benge in August 2007, asking her to revoke his probation for DWI.
Benge did so at the time and sentenced him to seven years, suspending all but three years for what was his fifth DWI conviction – on his 10th DWI arrest. ….MORE

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