Arizona: Country Thunder 2011 netted 20 DUI arrests, 52 other criminal arrests

The Pinal County Regional DUI Task Force worked with other Pinal County law enforcement agencies during the 2011 Country Thunder event in Florence last week. The message was clear…. if you were caught driving impaired you would go to jail.
During this latest enforcement detail, members of the Pinal County Regional DUI Task Force undoubtedly saved many lives because of their aggressive enforcement efforts. Below is a recap of their activities.

Misdemeanor DUI – 20 Aggravated DUI – 2 (License is already suspended)
Under Age of 21 DUI – 1 Extreme DUI – 1 (Over .15 blood alcohol concentration)
Minor Consumption of Alcohol – 29 Other Arrests both Misdemeanor Felony – 52

The Arizona Governor’s Office of Highway Safety, Pinal County Sheriff’s Office and agencies throughout Pinal County are fully committed to making the streets of our communities safer through aggressive impaired driving enforcement and continued public education.
Sheriff Paul Babeu stated, “Statistics show on average, nationwide, someone is killed every 40 minutes by an impaired driver. On average in Arizona, 2.21 persons are killed as a result of motor vehicle collisions every day. As your Sheriff, I am committed to providing the residents of Pinal County high-visibility, zero tolerance-traffic enforcement. High visibility, zero tolerance enforcement is at the foundation of any successful effort to reduce impaired driving and one of the ways we will ensure those traveling the roads of Pinal County are safer”

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