New York: Allison Lee Hinchey, wife of congressman, going to slammer for 60 days for driving drunk; probation and ignition interlock will greet her upon release

Allison Lee Hinchey

From Daily Freeman

Allison Lee Hinchey, the wife of retiring U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey, was sentenced Friday in Albany City Court to 60 days in the Albany County Jail and three years of probation for driving drunk in January, according to the Albany County District Attorney’s Office.
She was sentenced in the morning and arrived at the jail about 4:45 p.m., 15 minutes before her deadline, according to a jail officer.
Cecelia Logue, a spokesperson for the DA’s office, said Mrs. Hinchey also had her driver’s license revoked for a year and was ordered to have an ignition interlock device, which checks a driver for intoxication before starting the engine, placed on any vehicle she drives for three years after her release from custody.
In addition, Mrs. Hinchey was ordered to pay restitution to the driver whose car was damaged in the fender-bender in downtown Albany that resulted in the drunken-driving charge, Logue said. That amount has not yet been determined, she said. ….MORE
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