Oregon State Police report Kory Firestenberg was likely DUI when he flew into oak tree and died; Talon Schieffer critical — two other DUI drivers roll into crash scene, one fled, one nabbed
Are any Oregon drivers sober?
Oregon State Police report that on September 30, 2017, at approximately 1:20 AM, Oregon State Police Troopers responded to a single-vehicle rollover crash on Hwy 199 near milepost 12.5. This location is approximately 12 miles west of Josephine County. and is in Josephine County.
The preliminary investigation revealed that a 2003 Ford F350 was traveling southbound on Hwy 199, when for an unknown reason it left the roadway, impacting a large oak tree and coming to rest facing northbound. The driver, 23-year-old, Kory FIRESTENBERG, from Josephine County, was ejected and died as a result of his injuries. The passenger, 23-year-old, Talon SCHIEFFER, from Josephine County, was transported to Three Rivers Medical Center in Grants Pass with critical injuries.
Witnesses reported seeing the truck being operated at excessive speeds and driving recklessly prior to the crash. Alcohol and speed are believed to contributing factors for the crash.
While OSP Troopers were investigating the crash they were notified of a secondary crash just south of their location on Hwy 199. One Trooper had to leave the fatal crash scene in order to investigate this crash, which was reported to be a two-vehicle rear-end crash that was blocking the northbound lane of Hwy 199. Investigation of this crash revealed that an intoxicated male driver failed to see the vehicles in front of him stopped for the intermittent lane closure and collided with the last vehicle in line waiting to be flagged through the fatal crash scene. Witnesses reported the intoxicated male fleeing the scene before Troopers could respond. The male was never located, but follow-up is being conducted.
Shortly after this secondary crash, Troopers were flagging vehicles through the fatal crash scene when they observed a male driver displaying odd driving behavior and stopped in the middle of the crash scene. Troopers contacted this male, who was visibly intoxicated, conducted a DUII investigation and the driver was arrested for DUII.
OSP is committed to the safety of the citizens and visitors who utilize Oregon highways and would like to stress the importance of designating a sober driver and planning in advance before consuming alcoholic beverages.
OSP was assisted on scene by the Josephine County Rural Metro Fire Department, American Medical Response, and the Oregon Department of Transportation.