Police Say Fat Cat Lawyer was resisting arrest too!
From AllGov.com
President Obama’s nominee to be the next ambassador to Netherlands has withdrawn his name from the confirmation process in the wake of his recent arrest for drunk driving and resisting arrest. Timothy M. Broas, 58, was pulled over by Montgomery County, Maryland, police at 1:18 a.m. on June 19, at the intersection of Connecticut Avenue and Shepherd Street in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and charged with “attempting to drive [a] vehicle while under the influence of alcohol,” driving 47 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone, and resisting arrest, the latter charge being criminal in nature. At the time of his arrest, Broas was only one mile away from his home. The White House announced the withdrawal on June 28. A partner in the Washington, DC, office of the Chicago-based law firm of Winston & Strawn, Broas has raised more than $500,000 for Obama’s re-election efforts as a bundler, meaning that he raised the money from friends, family, or business associates. For Obama’s 2008 campaign, Broas bundled between $200,000 and $500,000. Obama, like every modern President before him, has nominated about two dozen bundlers to ambassadorships ….MORE
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