New Jersey Assemblyman Paul Moriarty
Now the politician says he should have taken the breath test…
The Washington Township Police Union is responding to Assemblyman Paul Moriarty’s allegations that his DWI arrest on Tuesday was the result of an “abuse of power” by the arresting officer, Joseph DiBuonaventura.
“There was no abuse, no corruption. [Moriarty] had his opportunity to prove his innocence,” said Joe Micucci, President of PBA Local 318. He added the union fully supported DiBuonaventura and that he is a “professional officer.”
Moriarty (D-4) of Washington Township, was charged with driving while intoxicated, refusal to submit to a breath test and failure to maintain lane after he was pulled over by DiBuonaventura on Tuesday afternoon at 3:53 p.m.
Moriarty said that he was crossing the Black Horse Pike on his way to Chick-fil-A for lunch when DiBuonaventura stopped him and accused Moriarty of “cutting him off” when the lanes merged into one on Greentree Road.
After Moriarty disputed the officer’s statement that he failed to maintain his lane, DiBuonaventura asked him if he had been drinking and issued a field sobriety test. Micucci confirmed that DiBuonaventura’s field camera did record the field test, and added that DiBuonaventura said he smelled alcohol on Moriarty’s breath. He was then brought back to the station, where he refused an alco breath test. ….MORE
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